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August 21, 2013

CRM Featured Articles

SAP Releases SAP Social Contact Intelligence

The new analytics application lets companies derive sentiment analysis and contact insights from internal and external sources.

Parature Announces Latest Version of Its Multichannel Customer Service Software

The solution offers improved agent efficiency and case management through updates in service level agreements, automation, in-app mashups, Mobile Service Desk, and reporting.

Echopass Releases Large Enterprise Edition Bundle

New bundled cloud package includes more than 40 apps for large contact centers.

LiveLOOK Adds In-App Capabilities to Customer Service Solutions

New In-App Co-Browse solution lets customer service agents help customers find what they need in mobile applications.

What Experiences Will Your Customers Remember?

Good or bad, some experiences stay in consumers' minds for years. The difference between the two lies in the hands of your employees.


Five Hidden Factors That Can Make or Break Your Sales Team

Basic solutions for sales success.


How to Beat Showrooming

Retailers don't have to feel powerless against the Internet.

Pint of View

Giving Small CRM Players Due Credit

CRM's reality contest, and why you should pay attention.