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November 18, 2009

CRM Featured Articles

Sage Answers the "So What" Question about Software Trends

Sage Summit '09: Company executives describe the response to key industry trends, such as social media, cloud computing, and globalization.

The 5 Potholes on the Road to Enterprise 2.0

Enterprise 2.0: Andrew McAfee, the man who coined the term "Enterprise 2.0," says the key to the transition involves sharing, not scaring.

Jive Jumps Forward with SBS 4.0

The social business software player announces a new version of its platform, connects communities, and makes a play for the iPhone.


E-Signatures Transform a Tortoise into a Hare

Accelerate customer-centric processes with software-as-a-service-based electronic signatures.


Market Focus: Pharmaceuticals -- CRM Undergoes an Experimental New Treatment

An older CRM vertical gets a new dose of on-demand technology.