Who's the Boss?
From Why CRM Doesn't Work: How to Win by Letting Customers Manage the Relationship
. Copyright 2003 by Frederick Newell. Reprinted by permission of Bloomberg Press, http://www.bloomberg.com/books. May not be modified, copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any manner.
Chapter 1
Why doesn't CRM Work? Does the customer really want to be managed?
I'm not stupid. I read about what you guys call customer relationship management. Why doesn't it work for me? Companies ask for my preferences and I tell them what I want from them. Still, each offer is more meaningless than the last. Why doesn't your so-called CRM make my life easier?
Marketers hear this from so many customers that the question becomes, who's the enemy? Is the customer the enemy or was Pogo right: "We have met the enemy, and he is us"? Our customers are crying out for us to understand their individual needs. They tell marketers what they want, but we keep bothering them with irrelevant offers.
In the preface to loyalty.com (McGraw-Hill, 2000), my book about CRM and Internet marketing, I said: "CRM is now moving to the center of corporate strategy as a process of learning to understand the values that are important to individual customers and using that knowledge to deliver benefits the customer really wants and making it easier for the customer to do business with the company."
No one would question the fact that CRM has since moved to the center of corporate strategy. A Jupiter Media Metrix study reports that 74 percent of U.S. businesses spent more money on CRM infrastructure in 2001 than they did in 2000, with a majority increasing their spending by 25 to 50 percent. A Gartner Dataquest survey forecast that CRM services revenue would increase 15 percent in 2002. A similar Gartner Inc. survey reports 52 percent of respondents rated CRM as their highest business priority. The same is true in Europe where a Cap Gemini Ernst & Young and Gartner survey of 242 senior marketing executives from 145 firms reports that 67 percent of respondent companies launched a CRM initiative between 1999 and 2001, and over one third consider CRM a top priority.
Taken together, what do these statistics mean? The acceptance of CRM has been confirmed. The enthusiasm for CRM has been proven. The investment in CRM has been quantified. But why have so many firms that have embarked on CRM initiatives failed to realize the kind of results they anticipated? In 2001 only one in five of all CRM solution providers actually realized a profit. As a group, solution providers lost $8.8 billion dollars, spending three dollars for every two dollars in revenue. CRM has obviously not been the panacea many had hoped.
Is CRM Really About the Customer?
One reason CRM practice is at a standstill and why so many companies are failing to see a return on their CRM investment is that, because of its celebrity, the label "CRM" has been loosely (and often incorrectly) applied to anything that suggests customer-centricity. It is almost impossible to hear a common definition of CRM from industry experts, even among executives within the same company.
Some think CRM is a matter of technology. Some still believe it's just the process of segmenting customers. Some think it's a matter of selling efficiency. Many marketers still think CRM is just an advanced stage of database marketing--using your customer database to find which customers would be the right ones for a specific product offering. They don't yet understand that relationship building must start with an understanding of the customer's needs. They talk about "share of wallet" but fail to realize that you can't get access to the customer's wallet if you don't first have access to the customer's heart and mind. As our customer said in the beginning of this chapter, CRM ought to be about making her life easier. Do that first, and then you'll gain access to your customer's heart and mind.
CRM Practice at a Standstill
Industry consultant David Raab says, "Customer relationship management has now reached the awkward stage in its adoption cycle. The concept and its benefits are widely accepted, but few complete implementations are in place. What's lagging is CRM practice."
It may just be that we're going about customer relationship management in all the wrong ways. Len Ellis, executive vice president of enterprise strategy, Wunderman, New York, says all the talk about CRM reminds him of what Voltaire said about the Holy Roman Empire:
It's not holy, Roman or an empire. There's a certain degree to which CRM is not about the customer nor is it about relationships--at least not how it's practiced now. Marketing automation is fine, but it's not about the customer. Most marketing automation is about costs and speed. Selling efficiency is not about the customer, it's just about leveraging your resources. Value maximization, in terms of figuring out which of your customer segments are going to deliver the most top or bottom line, that's not about the customer. So a lot of the benefits that are claimed for CRM are really benefits that accrue to the enterprise, but have nothing to do with the customer.
Moving Toward CMR
Customers have shown they don't want to be hunted like prey. They don't want to be managed; they just want companies to make their lives easier and less stressful. They're not removing their names from mailing lists for defensive reasons. Rather it's an offensive lifestyle management tactic aimed at reconfiguring and improving--not severing--their connection with marketers.
The time has passed for customer relationship management, which has been trying to make business better for the company. It's time to recast the discipline of CRM as one of greater customer empowerment. Customer management of relationships (cmr) makes doing business better for the customer. As a business strategy, cmr requires management change, not change management. cmr also requires operational and process changes that will allow the company to respond to individual customer's needs. Within your enterprise, cmr will touch every business and cultural area, every human relationship, and every technology.
cmr is not about launching yet another campaign, and it is not about formulating one more promotion. It is much more, even, than the sum of database marketing, targeted advertising, collecting information about customers, and offering new services. It is about creating an experience, personalizing the interaction with individual customers in ways directed by the customer, and thereby developing relationships.
The company is in control
Makes business better for the company
Tracks customers by transaction needs
Treats customers as segments
Forces customers to do what you believe they'll want
Customers feel stalked
Organized around products
The customer is in control
Makes business better for the customer
Understands customer's unique needs
Treats customers as individuals
Lets customers tell you what they care about
Customers are empowered
Organized around customers
Paul Greenberg, executive vice president of LiveWire Inc., talked about this customer empowerment in CRM at the Speed of Light: Capturing and Keeping Customers in Internet Real Time (McGraw-Hill, 2001): "What is empowering is not forcing customers to do anything they don't want. Let the customers tell you what they care about." The new CMR is a process of turning power over to the customer: allowing the customer to tell us what she's interested in and not interested in, what kind of information she wants, what level of service she wants to receive, and how she wants us to communicate with her--where, when, and how often.
And customers will tell us what they care about. According to a 2001 survey sponsored by Teradata, a division of NCR, 80 percent of Americans are willing to share personal information with companies if it means getting more personal service. Sixty percent of those surveyed said companies that provide personal offers combining online and offline information about their shopping preferences offer an advantage that "makes life easier." But customers will be disappointed if they never see a benefit from the information they give. If you are asking customers for sensitive information and aren't putting that information rapidly to use to make their lives easier, stop asking those questions. Collecting information that may some day prove useful is not just bad CRM; it is the opposite of what CRM should be.
Updating the Concept
Corporate boards have been swept away with enthusiasm for CRM because customer relationship management appeared to meet three of business's fundamental needs:
1. Understanding customers' buying behavior for better targeting of offers
2. Spreading customer information across the enterprise to allow customer-facing personnel to be more efficient
3. Creating greater operational efficiency to reduce expense
CRM still meets the three fundamental needs listed above, but the model has lost its luster. Companies that have failed to achieve benefits from CRM are beginning to realize their efforts have failed to meet the fundamental needs of the customer. David Bradshaw, an analyst at Ovum, likens CRM to a fashion industry. "Last year it seemed that CRM was all the rage. It was the hottest solution and companies spent millions to get a piece of it. Now, about one year later these same companies have a high-priced outfit that barely fits. But I tend to agree with the analysts, authors, and other industry pundits--CRM is not an outdated leisure suit. It's merely stumbled on the catwalk and with a little time it will prove to be as essential as the little black dress."
Fulfilling Bradshaw's forecast will require more than just a little time. It will call for a re-examination and re-evaluation of the CRM concept. Finding ways to empower the customer in the adoption cycle of a new CMR suggests a reappraisal of objectives. Companies that started CRM efforts to improve efficiency are now looking for ways to increase effectiveness. They are seeking new ways to do the right thing rather than just doing things right.
It Won't Be Easy
If all of this sounds like CMR is hard, that's because it is. The problems inherent in implementing a customer relationship management project pale in comparison to the challenge of achieving benefits from customer management of relationships. It's a giant step from CRM with its goal of making business better for the company to CMR, trying to make life better for the customer. It will require a clear understanding of what CMR is and a willingness for companies to change the ways they interact with customers.
From Why CRM Doesn't Work: How to Win by Letting Customers Manage the Relationship
. Copyright 2003 by Frederick Newell. Reprinted by permission of Bloomberg Press, http://www.bloomberg.com/books. May not be modified, copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any manner.