  • February 18, 2011
  • By Leonard Klie, Editor, CRM magazine and SmartCustomerService.com

Vivisimo Releases New Customer Experience Optimization Solution

Vivisimo, a provider of information optimization solutions, has completed an in-depth, year-long market and industry analysis of large enterprises. The final internal report, which surveyed more than 100 sales and customer service professionals regarding the performance of their jobs and the use of internal and external resources and information, determined that information necessary to perform their jobs was not being aggregated from all the organizations’ data repositories and was not being presented in one consolidated view.

“Current solutions struggle to accurately identify, contextualize, and consolidate the up to 30 plus different repositories customer-facing employees wade through on a daily basis, and this can have severe business consequences for an organization’s customer service and sales teams,” said Vivisimo CEO John Kealey in a statement.

Historically, companies have tried to address this through their content management systems, but “data is growing exponentially and keeping the CMS up to date is costly and impractical,” says Kevin Calderwood, president of Vivisimo. “Or they have multiple systems, but it’s not practical for an agent to go through seven, eight, or nine different systems to get the information needed to resolve a specific customer issue.”

Vivisimo has begun to address the needs of these customer-facing professionals with the development of its Customer Experience Optimization (CXO) solution, which gives customer service representatives and account managers quick access to all the information about a customer, no matter where that information is housed and managed—inside or outside a company’s systems, and regardless of the source or type. The company's products are a hybrid of enterprise search, text-based search, and business intelligence solutions.

CXO also targets the $1.4 trillion problem of lost worker productivity fueled by employees losing time looking for information.

“All content comes through a single search box,” Calderwood says, “which reduces the amount of time to find information.”

CXO works with an enterprise search platform that indexes unstructured data, and a display mechanism that uses analytics to find the data. It sits on top of all the systems and applications a company can have—even hosted applications—and pulls data from them all. It can sync up with major systems from Remedy, Siebel, SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Salesforce.com, and many others.

“We can even go outside a company’s firewalls to get information in the public domain,” Calderwood states, noting that CXO can also pull data from the Web, social media sites, and more. “We can also connect to the [interactive voice response system] as just another data source that we pull data from.”

In addition, he says CXO can give contextual intelligence to the data, Calderwood says.

While the new insights represent a shift in emphasis for Vivisimo, its existing flagship platform will continue to retain and enhance its core Information optimization technologies for use in enterprise and federal markets.

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