
Demandbase Shines Up Its Stream Product

When it comes to following up with leads, timing can be everything. Within a matter or minutes -- or even seconds -- your prospective customer could change her mind or even be snatched up by your competitor. In that scenario, having a lead generation tool that alerts you of actions could make all the difference. Demandbase, the provider of Demandbase Stream, a lead generation solution that gives a user information about business visitors on their corporate Web site, had pumped in more functionality to its third generation of Steam.

Chris Golec, Demandbase's founder and chief executive officer says that the newest version of Stream has been immediately available to users. Since the rollout, user have expressed that it provides a much greater level of utility. With Demandbase Stream essentially works as a ticker along on the bottom of any Web site. The ticker identifies relevant businesses visiting the Web site, users now have the capability to set alerts and notifications based on a number of elements. The alerts pop up in the bottom right hand of the screen much like a new email notification from Microsoft Outlook. Golec says he expects Stream's new capabilities to become most useful in the following instances:

  • Level of engagement: Users can request that they be notified when Web visitors reach a certain level of interest. They can set to be alerted, for instance, when a lead accesses five pages. "If you look across B2B traffic, there's a huge difference with someone who hit five pages," Golec says. "That level of engagement is critical."
  • Type of interest: Alerts can also be set when visitors hit a certain page. If a company wants to reach out to all of those who visit its pricing page, Steam will inform them exactly when they are there, so the person can make contact.
  • Certain customers or prospects: In the previous release of Stream, Demandbase began allowing integration with Salesforce.com CRM data with one click. So, users with Salesforce.com accounts can add in their identities to Stream and load the accounts into Demandbase. They can then set certain accounts to look out for or rather, notify when they visit the site. If they so choose, users can be notified when any one of their customers is active on their Web site. 

"Demandbase is making a concerted effort to beef up the intelligence and information content," says Denis Pombriant, principal of Beagle Research, "It's harvesting more information out of the data they've been collecting for quite a while."

All in all, the release centers around productivity, Pombriant says. Golec echoes this thought: "It's made a huge difference in how [Demandbase customers] use Stream." He compares it to social networking applications that notify members of messages or relevant activity. It saves people time from having to navigate through a lot of history and irrelevant activity. It puts the emphasis on real time. Those few minutes, after all, could be the difference between losing and making a deal, he says.

The latest version of Demandbase Stream has been made available to all subscribers. Demandbase is currently running a free trial version of its platform product -- Demandbase Professional. It only takes a few minutes to set up alerts and events, Golec says.

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