  • November 8, 2013

Zappix Unveils Cloud-Based Utility Mobile Customer Care Solution

Zappix yesterday unveiled its enterprise-class utility customer care visual IVR and self-service mobile app solution.

Water, gas, and electric utilities of any size can now provide an adaptive experience to their customers on iPhones and Android smartphones. Utility customers can navigate smart visual menus on their phones before placing calls and get to the right CSRs every time or access self-service options.

Through the free iOS and Android mobile app, utility customers can manage their accounts, report outages or emergencies, access SMS/email/social media with one click, or view documents and multimedia content via IVR, mobile-ready Web sites, or from within the app. Utilities can configure in-app alerts and notifications, provide information on phone screens while the call is in progress, collect customer experience feedback with one click, and derive insights from customer journeys across multiple channels.

"With the secure combination of all service access points, including the all-important voice channel, on one device, Zappix is the only complete smartphone customer care solution for utilities. Our modular solution allows a utility to start with one channel and extends to other channels in stages or start with a full multichannel native-app deployment, all within days or maximum two weeks," said Amol Joshi, president and CEO of Zappix, in a statement. "Unlike other solutions, Zappix mobile technology is already proven with consumers and can work with any IVR, CRM, or ERP system."

Utilities that subscribe to the Zappix service can configure the consumer engagement with the coud-based Zappix Management Console. Utility customers pay an initial, one-time set up fee, while subscription fees for access to the Zappix Management Console start at $200 per month.

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