Trumpia Releases Feature for Tracking Clicks in Text Messages
Trumpia, a multichannel messaging and marketing automation solutions provider, has released an SMS Click-Through Tracking feature that lets users see when someone clicks on an embedded link sent out in mobile text messages.
With SMS Click-Through Tracking, Trumpia users get valuable feedback about their marketing campaigns. Users can view how many text message recipients clicked on the link and measure the click-through rate, allowing them to analyze campaign effectiveness.
Users can also use SMS Click-Through Tracking to test responses to different offers sent to different groups and gauge which offer is more attractive.
They can then use this information to group individuals and create new distribution lists based on which links they've clicked.
"It's about collecting behavior histories so you can associate it with the level of interest they have in your products or offers," Ken Rhie, Trumpia's CEO, says.
Of course, the flip side of tracking who clicks on links is tracking those who didn't. Users can resend the most important messages that a customer or prospect might have missed or offer more enticing promotions to those who didn't accept the first offer.
The tracking feature also helps users maintain clean and accurate contact information for their customers, which ties back to another product the company launched late last year called Dynamic Targets. Dynamic Targets automatically ties distribution lists to filters and applies the rules from Smart Filters to new and existing contact, demographic, and behavioral data.
According to Rhie, another key element of click-through tracking is the ability to see which devices customers are using. "This is important because you don't want to send an iPhone-based campaign to users of Android phones," he says. "It really helps you sort your customers and send only relevant information to them."
And while many software vendors offer click-through tracking, Rhie says his company's offering in this area is different because it is a multichannel solution. "People are no longer bound to email," he states. "They're adopting digital lifestyles, and so it's important to be able to track their clicks in multiple channels."
In addition to the new SMS tracking feature, Trumpia also lets users track responses to and clicks in mobile applications, voice broadcasts, multimedia messages, email, social media posts, and other digital channels.
"In today's multichannel, omnichannel world, it's important to track your customers everywhere you can," Rhie says.
"You do not want to spam everyone," he adds. "Now you can target only those people who have opened or responded to offers in the past."
The company, he points out, introduced marketing automation and multilocation features in January and will continue to add other enhancements and improvements throughout the year. A little more than a year ago, it released a multimedia surveying tool that uses two-way SMS text messaging to allow users to receive prompt replies from subscribers with "yes" or "no" responses.
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