  • June 20, 2013

Transera Launches Advanced Cloud-Based Analytics for Contact Centers

Transera, a provider of in data-driven customer engagements,has released Transera Customer Engagement Analyzer, cloud-based software that helps contact centers capture, organize, and cross-analyze customer interactions.

With Transera's Analyzer, organizations can gain a complete view of customer engagement no matter the operational system or channel. By bringing together data from multiple sources and systems to generate predefined and ad-hoc business views, Transera Customer Engagement Analyzer gives organizations comprehensive and actionable insight into their customer interactions. The Analyzer visually displays sales, marketing, and operational trends to help users discern patterns for continuous improvement. Its  standard and user-defined cross-system Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) tie business data to traditional operational metrics, giving performance visibility in a single, consolidated view.

Contact center, sales, and marketing professionals can use information gleaned from Transera Customer Engagement Analyzer for a variety of business purposes, such as identifying the best answering resources, evaluating marketing campaign performance and comparing sales and customer satisfaction target metrics to actual metrics.

Transera Customer Engagement Analyzer brings data together in the cloud from automated call distributor (ACD) applications, interactive voice response (IVR) systems, customer relationship management (CRM) applications, order entry applications, and other customer data sources, such as demographic services.

Key features include the following:

  • Visualizations and Dashboards that aggregate data sets from multiple systems, campaigns, and vendors and provides a complete snapshot of how the business is performing, with segmentation by customers, campaigns, products, geographies, revenue, and costs. It also provides insight into how groups of agents are performing from both a service perspective (calls offered and handled) and a business perspective(conversion rate, customer satisfaction score, and revenue generated). It measures and compares vendor performance in a multi-sourced contact center environment by both service levels and business results. It also measures and compares the performance of marketing campaigns by brand, campaign, offer, script, and other segmentations.
  • Analytics, based on daily, weekly, monthly, annual and multi-annual data, to provide insight for contact centers for improved interaction routing, agent and customer matches, scripting, agent training, and upselling and cross-selling.
  • A Repository that ingests contact, agent, customer and business data from a variety of systems that capture customer interaction data and maps it into a universal cross-system data dictionary. It also links customer sessions, transactions, and interactions with the same intent.

Offered on a subscriptions basis, it is a key component of the Transera Adaptive Customer Engagement, a cloud-based suite of products that help contact centers and business analysts put a business focus on managing customer interactions with data-driven decisions.

"Our mission is to elevate how contact centers of any size view and interact with their customers," said Prem Uppaluru, Transera's president and CEO, in a statement. "As an industry, we are very good at managing our contact centers from an operational efficiency perspective. With the Analyzer product, we are knocking down organizational and data silos to add the business and customer perspectives for the delivery of a unified, data-driven customer experience."

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