  • October 3, 2013

SocialBro Launches Twitter Integration Tool

SocialBro, a platform for businesses to manage, analyze, and monetize their Twitter communities, has  launched an email integration tool that enables users to automatically mine the Twitter user data and interactions of their email databases. This allows businesses to build out a parallel Twitter channel for any email database, meaning that the social network can be used for large-scale, targeted and personalized marketing activities.

This new functionality gives anyone the tools to simplify the capture of lead-generation information on an enterprise scale by entering a database of email addresses into the platform to find out who those individuals are using publicly available social information.

Using SocialBro, businesses will be able to see how contacts are connected, their levels of influence, and when and how to reach them. In addition to the enterprise-scale functionality, the more complex personal data can also then be used for more targeted and relevant social and digital marketing. By just asking for an email address, then mapping that person based on his Twitter profile, the business can build a rich picture of their communities and prospects.

"The benefits of a multichannel prospecting campaign are significant in an age when email is no longer the only business-to-business application generating leads," said Javier Burón, CEO and founder of SocialBro, in a statement. "Using Twitter as a direct channel for lead-generation activity means that businesses and marketers can compensate for sectors or leads that are demonstrating lower ROI from email marketing activity. As those with buying power in businesses use increasingly diverse channels of communication, companies that rely on email exclusively risk losing out to competitors who can communicate via the medium that their audience prefers.

"We believe that social activity, including Twitter, should be integrated into the wider marketing and CRM activity that any business performs," Burón continued. "This new tool allows businesses to see their prospects across the social channel and therefore easily map what they are interested in, what they are motivated by, and how they like to communicate."

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