
HP Releases Digital Customer Experiences Package for Oracle

HP today launched Digital Customer Experience services for Oracle Applications, a program that aims to improve customer experience management and offer unified user interactions across several channels, including mobile devices and computers.

The update promises an enhanced IT system that, according to an official statement from HP, will connect the "cloud, security, big data and mobility into a comprehensive solution" and enable better connections between companies and customers. For enterprises, this proposes to simplify software integration into their existing systems, as it will incorporate analytics and security features that align themselves with what is already in place. 

The announcement comes in response to increasing demand from consumers for more enjoyable and consistent digital experiences with brands, according to Robert Hildenbrand, vice president of worldwide Oracle Applications Services at HP Enterprise Services.

"Consumers demand a personalized experience that anticipates their needs and positions the right set of services or products tailored to them," Hildenbrand said in an email. "Through these HP-built solutions, our clients see improved sales, better agility, and higher satisfactory and advocacy rates from their consumers."

Years into HP's ongoing partnership with Oracle, the news comes at a time when HP has separated its efforts into two distinct customer and enterprise divisions, Brent Leary, founder of CRM Essentials, points out. He holds that the announcement indicates a commitment on HP's part to act seriously in the customer experience space. "Oracle has a robust customer experience platform," Leary says. "It makes sense for HP to deepen the relationship with Oracle through this area."

Hildenbrand affirms the company’s intentions to move forward. "HP has been delivering successful CX programs for our clients for the last three years," he says. "These have focused on planning, building, and managing multichannel commerce solutions for clients in the retail, telecom, travel, manufacturing industries, to name a few. Through these engagements, we've built a large delivery capability (both onshore and offshore), reusable assets, and a CX point of view."

Though he speculates that medium to large enterprises will likely benefit most from such services, Leary also points out that, at this point, it's difficult to tell precisely what HP's intentions are. "It would be really interesting to see exactly what areas they're going to really be digging into and how they're going to be impacted, as well as the potential outcomes for customers," he states.

To Leary, the move also suggests larger intentions on HP's part, to regain a strong foothold in the tech industry. For an established and storied company like HP, Leary says, "it's kind of difficult to see  all these different companies that haven't been around for long really capture the business world and get all these obscene valuation numbers based on hardly any revenue.

"Now with this reinvention and splitting up the companies and the focus, I think they're trying to recapture some of Silicon Valley," he adds.

"You gotta give [HP] some points because they do seem to be trying some new things," Leary says. "It's just a [question of whether or not they can pull it off]. Can they grab that mammal back in a way that will propel the company back?"

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