
Gigya Adds 21 Partners to Apps Ecosystem

Gigya, a software company that connects social identity data with brands' online sites and applications, has ushered 21 new social and marketing technology platform partners into its NEXUS Partner Ecosystem.

"While we've already established a network of dozens of partners, we want to work with every online marketing vendor that can benefit from integrating the valuable consumer data that we offer to our clients," Gigya CEO Patrick Salyer tells CRM. Gigya's partner ecosystem ranges from CRM systems such as Salesforce.com and Oracle to e-commerce platform providers such as Demandware and email marketing solutions such as MailChimp.

Gigya's latest additions to the NEXUS Partner pack include newly public marketing automation platform Marketo, recommendation platform Sailthru, social Web platform Livefyre, and Disqus, a networked platform that enables discussions and comments on Web sites and communities.

"We're particularly excited about our partnerships with digital marketing [companies] and specifically with marketing automation vendors like Marketo," Salyer notes. "By plugging social profile and behavior data [through Gigya's Social Login and Social Plugin solutions] into marketing campaigns, businesses have an opportunity to personalize the way they reach consumers and, ultimately, become more relevant to them."

Using Gigya's Social Login, sites that leverage technologies like Livefyre and Disqus can enable users to self-authenticate on-site with their social media identities. Also announced was an integration to Backplane Protocol, a secure framework for information flow between applications on Web sites. With the integration, Salyer says marketing technology vendors will have a way to securely pass data between their respective platforms.

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