
Badgeville Offers Its Gamification Solution Through Salesforce Sales and Service Clouds

Gamification solution provider Badgeville announced today the availability of Badgeville for Salesforce.com's Sales Cloud and Service Cloud. The product features improved mechanics and deployment times.

Badgeville allows businesses to design games tailored to drive employee engagement and sales. The solution's new capabilities will allow Salesforce users to quickly set up the program with the assistance of trained Salesforce administrators, as well as Badgeville game designers who assist in implementing a customized, brand-specific visual interface. The solution will provide more insight into user activity and display status markers, such as points and badges, to further encourage participants.

Badgeville began offering its product through Salesforce.com's AppExchange in 2012. Today's announcement is another effort to give customers convenient access to its solutions through the Salesforce platform. "Our highest areas of demand are online communities: Jive, Yammer, and Sharepoint," says Laura Lilyquist, vice president of marketing at Badgeville. "Our second highest area of demand is CRM, and the major player there is Salesforce." With the update, Lilyquist says that users can "minimize the amount of internal, technical resources that are needed to bring a gamification program online [and] lessen the deployment time [to] get a gamification program defined, designed, and deployed within thirty days."

The upgrade comes at a time when the company has been seeing increasing demand for its solutions, even from those who were initially dismissive of gamification as a viable reward system."A lot of the time, bosses and executives say they won't be motivated by games," Lindsay Brothers, product manager at Badgeville, says. "[But] what you find is that [they] tend to get very involved with it."

Lilyquist concurs and adds, "Why not try the things that are natural human motivators—our desire for success, our desire to be social, to look smart? There's some great data out there that shows that two-thirds of American employees are actively disengaged from their jobs. If you have engaged employees, your level of profitability is much higher than that of a company with disengaged employees."

Badgeville has conducted 200 deployments over its life span, and of those, expects 10% to be strong candidates for the upgrade. Current customers, according to Badgeville's Web site, include IBM, Oracle, and Samsung , and the company expects more in the future.

Badgeville doesn't intend to limit itself to a partnership with Salesforce. "Salesforce is the gorilla in the CRM space," Lilyquist says. "[But] we have demand to work with other CRM vendors in the future. We have a list of connectors that we are planning to do, [including] some in the learning management space. So you'll see these rolling out probably in the next six to eight months,"

Ray Wang, founder and principal analyst at Constellation Research, supports the move toward additional CRM systems. "Badgeville and other gamification platform vendors need to be in as many vendors as possible," he says.

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