  • January 29, 2014

MicroStrategy Releases New Mobile Analytics Apps

MicroStrategy, a provider of enterprise software platforms, has released a set of new mobile apps and service offerings. These include the MicroStrategy Analytics App for iPad, MicroStrategy Analytics Express for iPad, MicroStrategy Sales Productivity, and MicroStrategy Tech Support. In addition, the company enhanced its MicroStrategy Mobile App with new product capabilities.

The new MicroStrategy Analytics App for iPad allows users to get an optimized mobile view of their organizations' analytical insights and securely browse through project folders of grids, graphs, visual insights, visualizations and dashboards.

With the MicroStrategy Analytics App, business users can ask questions using touch-optimized prompts and selectors and collaborate with other users around the world with annotation and sharing features.

MicroStrategy Analytics Express is a self-service business analytics solution designed to help non-technical users analyze data on their own, without expert assistance. The app provides users with touch-optimized features for slicing and dicing the data, re-arranging visual insight dashboards, and spotting trends and outliers.

MicroStrategy's new Sales Productivity solution is focused on providing real-time access to critical sales materials, trends, and customer insights through a mobile app. The solution will enable sales managers to better understand, manage, and take action on opportunities, forecasts, and field sales activities while also enabling sales reps to better manage and focus their sales cycle efforts, expand deal sizes, and drive better and faster close rates on opportunities.With the solution, field sales professionals can do the following:

  • View and maintain opportunity pipeline and sales forecasts;
  • Make active comparisons of their current forecasts against previous periods and zero in on and understand what changed and why;
  • Access all current product information, including demos, videos, brochures, and other training materials;
  • Reference market information, competitor analysis, and interactive sales presentations, and more; and
  • Access a combined, holistic view of all customer information, including buying records, accounts receivable, consulting projects delivered, and tech support history. With this 360-degree view of their accounts, sales reps can better determine probable buying trends and execute on cross-sell/up-sell opportunities.

This sales productivity solution extends sales force automation (SFA) and customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, such as salesforce.com, and enhances their capabilities for sales management and sales operations teams. By applying MicroStrategy analytics to native SFA data, customers can gain visibility and clarity into their sales operations, providing them with the ability to spot trends, identify new opportunities, and project future sales. 

The MicroStrategy Mobile App has been further enhanced as well. New and improved capabilities include the following:

  • Redesigned and optimized app experience for iOS7. The MicroStrategy Mobile App has been optimized to deliver a seamless iOS7 experience, providing users with a more efficient design. Enhancements range from folder browsing and data visualizations, to prompting and transactional inputs.
  • Faster app performance. MicroStrategy's latest mobile clients and server technology deliver 1.4 times greater capacity than the company's last release. With the same configuration and infrastructure, existing customers can deliver fast response times to tens of thousands of active users simply by upgrading to the latest version of MicroStrategy 9™, version 9.4.
  • Enhanced analytics. MicroStrategy Visual Insight dashboards have been improved to provide users with tap-and-drag capabilities to re-arrange the visualizations on a dashboard. Each visualization uses responsive design to optimally fill the available space. Additionally, MicroStrategy has added support for nested prompts and has enhanced its library of visualizations.
  • New native transactional front-ends. As part of its mobile transactional capabilities, MicroStrategy now includes front-end widgets to leverage native transactional controls in iOS7 for all transactional inputs (e.g. text, date, switches, barcodes, and image capture).
  • Enterprise-grade security further enhanced with app-level passcodes, double encryption, and integration with MicroStrategy's identity patform solution, MicroStrategy Usher, which can be used for login validation.

The MicroStrategy Tech Support App is powered by MicroStrategy Mobile, hosted in the MicroStrategy Cloud, and leverages the MicroStrategy Analytics Platform, which the company first released in October, to let users analyze support activity in real time.

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