Thanks for joining us in Washington, D.C., as we learned about the new and innovative ways CRM technologies are shaping our lives and changing the way we do business.
Save the Date!
April 29 - May 1, 2019
Renaissance Washington, DC Hotel Washington, DC
You'll have the opportunity to hear from the brightest and most influential people in the CRM industry. Conference co-chairs Paul Greenberg, Brent Leary, and the editors of CRM magazine are working together again to bring you some of the best CRM analysts and consultants, project leaders, and vendors in the industry.
Why You Should Attend
- Create great customer engagements
- Generate high returns on CRM investments
- Prepare for customer trends that are reshaping the marketplace
- Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty
- Leverage technologies that will change customer relationships
- Increase profitability
- Streamline business processes
Who Should Attend
- Chief Customer Officer
- VP/Director of Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Call Centers
- VP/Director of Ecommerce/Ebusiness
- VP/Director of Business Analytics or Business Intelligence
- VP/Director of Telemarketing/Telesales
- VP/Director of IT
- Director/Manager of Sales Support
- Director/Manager of Customer Support

- Hear from over 60 speakers in more than 40 sessions including innovative keynotes, sunrise sessions, case studies, panel discussions, and more
- Get access to industry-leading companies demonstrating cutting-edge technologies
Network with colleagues, peers, and experts in the customer relationship management industry